Campanella umbellaria (Linnaeus, 1758) Goldfuss, 1820
Campanella umbellaria: has a peristome with several ciliary windings. (1)
Campanella umbellaria: can be identified by the stalk without spasmoneme (1)
Campanella umbellaria: specimens from (2)
Campanella umbellaria: specimens from (3)
Campanella umbellaria: apical view on the metachronal movement of the adoral cilia and undulating membrane; specimen from (3)
Campanella umbellaria: lateral view of two specimens in different focal planes showing different moments of the metachronal movement of the adoral cilia and undulating membrane. For some milliseconds of the metachronal wave cycle two cilia of adjoining ciliary rows seem to be in phase in a typical pattern (the arrowheads point to one example of this). The beating frequency of the cilia is ≈ 15Hz, which is approx. half the beating frequency of Vorticella sp. (≈36Hz). See also video of the metachronal movement here >>> (3)
Campanella umbellaria: conjugation: swarmer attaching to another specimen (4)
Campanella umbellaria: conjugation: fusion of the 2 cells 90 mins later (4)
Identification courtesy of Bruce Taylor: "It Came from the Pond"
Location (1): NSG Hofsteder Weiher, Herne, NRW
Habitat (1): between algae; detritus
Date (1): 25.03.2010
Location (2): Wupper bei Müngstener Brücke;
Habitat (2): epibiontic on the red alga Torularia atra in lotic water
Date (2): 05.08.2022
Location (3): Henrichsteich, Hattingen, NRW, Germany, pond
Habitat (3): plankton-sample with algae and detritus (click image to enlarge >>>)
Date: 26.11.2024 (3)
Location (4): Schulzentrum Gevelsberg, NRW, Germany, Gruenes Klassenzimmer, pond
Habitat (4): between algae/ detritus
Date (4): 30.09.2007
freshwater life
marine life